Brand Position


Using customer surveys created specifically for your brand, we do a deep dive into your Target Audience. From their goals, challenges, values, daily routines, feelings, thoughts and so much more we get an in-depth look into who your dream clients really are, how to connect with them and how you can solve their problems.

We will then assess your competitors and establish what makes your brand unique and how you can stand out in a saturated market.

At the end of this session you will be able to answer these three very important questions:

  • What makes your offering a valuable purchase for your customer?

  • How do your products/services make your customer’s life/business better?

  • Why should they buy from you and not from your competitor?

Deliverables: Target Audience Analysis, Market Personas x3, Competitive Analysis x4, Offering Breakdown, Value Proposition, Unique Selling Proposition (USP) & Brand Positioning Statement


Brand Core


Brand Narrative